Healing from post-divorce trauma
Divorce is second only to the death of a loved one in the list of the most stressful life events. Even if the end of the relationship is amicable, it can still drain you emotionally and physically. When divorces are contentious, it can leave you doubting your self-worth and struggling to define your future. Surrounding yourself with a solid support system is one of the most effective ways to heal from post-divorce trauma. Giving and receiving help from those who understand exactly what you are going through is one of the many benefits of post-divorce trauma group coaching. It may feel impossible, but rest assured you can excel again in life after your divorce. Rebuilding your self-esteem and developing new, healthy relationships, is within reach. Excel Again understands the power of connecting with others through shared experience. Our group coaching sessions are designed to help divorcees transition to their new reality post-divorce. Some people need to work on boosting their confidence while others may simply need support in relearning the rules of dating.

What is divorce group coaching?
Whether you did the leaving or were the one who was left, you can expect a roller coaster of all-consuming (and often contradictory) feelings as you transition post-divorce. If your divorce is recent, your emotions likely are raw, leaving you floundering as you attempt to navigate through important decisions. Where should you live and how do you set up your new household? How will you navigate joint custody of the children? When is it acceptable to start dating again? These are all normal questions to ask yourself after a divorce. Group coaching sessions help divorced people cope with their new reality. Whether you are newly divorced or still struggling to adjust years after the separation, group coaching provides the support structure and knowledge base needed to get you started on the right path forward.
Learning to trust after divorce
Trust is a huge issue for some people after a divorce. If their spouse was unfaithful or otherwise deceitful during the marriage, learning to trust others can be a difficult obstacle to overcome. To develop authentic relationships with others, you must give and receive trust. Post-divorce trauma coaching helps individuals identify foundational concepts of giving and receiving trust, plus strategies for rebuilding trust.

Communicating with your ex
Communicating with your ex-spouse after a divorce is a reality for many people who share children. If the divorce was contentious, speaking with your former partner can be a source of anxiety that adds to your trauma. Excel Again’s group coaching sessions offer effective communication skills to help divorcees navigate through this process. You will learn how to remain calm, and to communicate using methods that make you feel heard and understood.
Two biggest fears after divorce
Many divorcees struggle with feeling like they are not good enough to be in a relationship or receive love from another person. This is especially true for people who were victims of infidelity during their marriage. Self-worth and confidence levels often diminish during and immediately following a divorce. Understanding these fundamental fears and how to overcome them is a valuable part of post-divorce trauma counseling. Sharing these feelings with others who may be experiencing them is a healthy way to get the support you need to work through these feelings of inadequacy. Group coaching provides the foundation for dispelling these myths about yourself. Excel Again offers solid strategies for moving past fears of inadequacy so you can begin the next chapter in your life with the self-confidence needed.

Dating after divorce
This is a touchy topic for some divorcees. Sometimes it is because they cannot imagine dating again, especially if they were in a long-term marriage. It is scary to think of how dating has changed since they last engaged in this relationship ritual. Group coaching sessions address the best way to get your feet wet on the dating scene by exposing the challenges of intimate relationships. Divorcees also learn valuable strategies for navigating social situations
Future direction and setting goals
Divorce is jolting. Even if it is what you wanted, that does not mean you have fully thought out your next steps. Gaining clarity of vision and direction can help determine your future direction. Group coaching provides the opportunity to discuss your situation with others who are going through the same experience. Your coach offers practical strategies for determining your next steps. Divorcees can take this newfound knowledge and use it to set goals that align with their future aspirations.
Why choose Excel Again?
Healing from your divorce is one phone call away. Take the first steps toward moving on with your new life. Contact us today to discuss your options for post-divorce trauma group coaching.