What if you could wake up to a brand-new day without anxiety, guilty feelings, or the urge to drink or get high? A day where you do not need to lie, hide from people, keep your stories straight, or feel again disappointed in yourself. What if you could quiet all the heavy sound and emotional stress caused by endless thoughts circling back to drugs or alcohol? What if you could silence the conspiring, calculating, and bargaining mind constantly building reasons to justify “just another one”? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. You are waiting for a different outcome, but you’re not getting new thinking. Your best thinking got you here. And that means your best thinking can’t take you where you want to be, and you need new capabilities to go to the promised land. Fresh thinking is my promise to you.


My many years of experience as a clinician and professor taught me how to relate to people from every walk of life and quickly understand their learning styles. My simple style and ease of gaining trust have transferred seamlessly into my work as a recovery coach today.

I hold expertise in various addictions, specializing in substance abuse such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids, and amphetamines, behavioral addictions such as food addiction and sex addiction, and digital addictions such as gaming or social media.

I create recovery plans according to each client’s needs, including a lifestyle transformation through nutrition, exercise, yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, and stress reduction skills.

Throughout my recovery coaching program, you'll discover meaning in life as well as get help with concerns such as:


Do you feel helpless, angry, insecure, confused, or lacking contact with reality because one or your loved ones is fighting the addiction?
The individual is the center of the addiction battle, but a strong support network is also necessary to achieve lifelong sobriety. Instead of facing addiction alone, the family program helps to bridge the gap that addiction has caused between the patient and loved ones. I give you the tools to create a positive and healing environment and emotional support.
The family program helps to re-establish essential relationships in the patient’s life. By providing individual and group sessions, as a family addiction coach, I will work with family members for those interested in making lasting changes, gaining meaningful support, or working through serious issues.

In the chaos of this world, achieving health and wellness may seem like an impossible feat. It can be easy to fall into the trap of “I’m too busy,” “I’m too tired,” and “I’m too stressed.” I am here to remind
you that you are strong, you can reach your goals, and you can achieve whatever you set your mind to do. I will work with you to uncover the reasons for your present physical and mental shape.  Through joint work and agreement, you will discover and implement permanent changes that will become your new lifestyle.

Discovering Balance of Body, Mind, & Spirit

As a US-educated medical professional trained in western medicine, I’ve had the pleasure of treating tens of thousands of patients, from pediatrics to geriatrics, including professional athletes and complicated neurological conditions.

It only took me a couple of years as a clinician to realize that to achieve proper health and wellness means going beyond the standard practices of western medicine. Taking a holistic approach in tandem with modern medicine allows you to address wellness as a body, mind, and spiritual existence. By doing so, you can prevent physical, mental, and emotional illnesses before they occur and treat the ones currently infringing on achieving your best life.


Success stories

Codependency or codependence is a tendency to act overly passive or excessively caretaking. This behavior...
The concept of food addiction has recently gained increasing support. Brain imaging and other research...
It depends… There are two kinds of secrets, good and bad. The good ones are...

If you are on this site, you, or someone you love, obviously needs some help. I am sure it is not easy to figure it out alone

And if you, or a loved one, need someone to help, I would love to be that person. I have 25 years of experience helping people change. I care. I know how difficult it is. Read my bio. I know how to do it if I have already changed countless lives.